Today, the White House named current Goldman Sachs executive and former trade representative, Robert Zoellick, to replace Paul Wolfowitz at the helm of the World Bank group. Poor Wolfie...Is Saha worth it? Is it true that he couldn't manage himself out of a paper bag? What about what some of his detractors (at Salon) might say:
"The simple fact is that Wolfowitz has throughout his entire career demonstrated a penchant for cronyism and for smearing and marginalizing perceived rivals as tactics for getting his way. He has been arrogant and highhanded in dismissing the views of wiser and more informed experts, exhibiting a narcissism that is also apparent in his personal life. Indeed, these tactics are typical of what might be called the 'neoconservative style.'"
So where does a neocon go for grub in this town? Some might guess somewhere expensive and stuffy...like 1789:
Situated in a Federal period house in residential Georgetown, 1789 Restaurant is known around Washington DC for fine dining and elegant ambience. Decorated with American antiques, period equestrian and historical prints and Limoges china, its five dining rooms offer comfortable surroundings.
One of the few Washington, D.C. restaurants with a dress code, 1789 requires that men wear a jacket. In addition, jeans and athletic wear are not permitted.
Nothing says "for us only Americana" as equestrian historical prints and a dress code. Perfect!
Despite all that, [former]** executive chef, Ris Lacoste (who is actually friendly, warm, and engaging) has won dozens of awards and accolades for her creations and has helped to make 1789 a real stand out. Frommer's had to say this about her work:
Lacoste varies her menus daily, but two dishes for which she's especially known are the oyster and champagne stew with Smithfield ham and walnuts and the roast rack of Colorado lamb with creamy feta potatoes au gratin in red-pepper-purée-infused Merlot sauce. Also look for appetizers of lobster tart on puffed pastry with mushrooms, leeks, and tarragon, or grilled quail with barley and mushrooms, and entrees that range from osso buco with risotto Milanese, to ginger glazed sea scallops with pea shoots, mango, and curried pistachio rice. A hot fudge sundae is one of several decadent dessert options.
*This Wednesday series is dedicated to what (in)famous Washingtonians eat.
**see totally awesome comment about new Chef Beauchamp by an earnest reader with a malfunctioning irony meter