Is it cliche to love Paris--that city of baguettes, bicycles, and berets; that city of the most iconic of all radio towers...of gauzy dreams of strolls in le parc? Do people who make the pronouncement of lurving it remind you of that lonely middle-aged woman in the 14e arrondissement-story of Paris, Je T'aime? Maybe? Just a little?
Having said that (and at the risk of sounding totally banal) I secretly love certain Parisian experiences...shhhhh. Like the Laduree tea room tucked away in the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Pres district. Those lovely little macarons (not to be confused with coconut macaroons) in the heavenliest of flavors--to include rose petal, salted butter caramel, and pistachio--along with the glorious empire decor give me goose bumps!
Even the confection-colored packaging is beautiful. I'd really love two things: a) Laduree macarons at the wedding and b) invitations inspired by this confectioner's palette. Oh the dreams.

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